sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

(Ciência - Física) -Tempo (t) sem mistérios - Tempo não é quarta dimensão - (Texto em Inglês)

Time Without Mystery - Time is not the Fourth Dimension

©Nillo Gallindo – Brazil

If I say: “Time does not exist” the big problem is to show that in mathematics because how can I change the traditional formulas of mathematics d = t.v … t = d / v... v = d / t ?

Well, remember Einstein said: “The calendar is just a table of motion of the Earth around the Sun.” So Earth's journey around the sun means only motion: motion of the Earth in the space. It means ONLY MOTION (REFERENCE MOTION). As the calendar, clock is also a table or machine to copy the motion of the Earth and nothing else.

The units to record the motion of Earth on the clock are hours, minutes, seconds, etc. Of course, logically hours, minutes, seconds, etc., can only mean MEASURES OF MOTION OF THE EARTH and nothing else – motion yes - no time.

So time is not something magical, mysterious thing that flows. Time is not fantastic thing for which Einstein gave the name of the fourth dimension. That concept of fourth dimension of space-time is wrong because “time is only a quantitative measure of motion of a master reference motion to the clock”, NO DIMENSION. “Motion” IS NOT “dimension”. This is the truth. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Three space dimensions are height, length and width. I repeat: measure of motion it can not be 4ª dimension, because motion can not be dimension. Things in space are three-dimensional, Earth for example. The motion of the Earth is copied by the clock but that motion it is not fourth dimension, it is only “measure of motion”. Time is only a measure of motion. What motion? Any motion: Earth motion or oscillations in atom of Cesium… any.
So to understand the correct concept about as I think time, (if "t" is only a measure of motion of a master reference motion to the clock) which are mathematical formulas to calculate motion?

It's easy: The master reference motion to the clock (motion of Earth or oscillations in atom of Cesium or any) I named R1 (no more the old term “t” of traditional formulas). But in formulas of motion I need other mathematical term the “old” speed “v”. Then I imagine: any other motion is R2 and it is relative or compared to R1.

Then R2 will always be any other speed or compared motion to the master reference motion to the clock. R2 change the old concept speed "v" as R2.

The units of measurement of master reference motion (R1) may be the traditional hours, minutes and seconds as h, m, s.
The units of measure motion of R2 can also be the traditional motion PER hours, minutes, seconds etc as km/h m/s etc.

It just changes the concept to understand that time is only MEASURE OF MOTION OF A MASTER REFERENCE MOTION TO THE CLOCK MACHINE AND IT IS NOT THE FOURTH DIMENSION. Fourth dimension in the concept of space-time is wrong, it is just science fiction, written by H.G. Wells in 1894 and in 1754 by d’Alembert, however, Einstein copied the imagination of that science fiction. It is a magical mistake, so magic that no one realizes the mistake or fiction. But I do, and You?
Understand this: d = t.v … t = d/v... v = d/t
CHANGE TO: d=R1.R2 … R1=d/R2 … R2=d/R1

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